Sunday, August 15, 2010

You've all disappeared!

Where have you all gone?

I've been to a family wedding this weekend and I'm going to be completely honest: the diet went out the window. I didn't really eat too much but I sure made up for it in alcohol. We smuggled in our own bottles of cider into the wedding party because they were charging £3.80 a pint! £3.80!! What is that in US dollars? *Scuttles off to google...* $5.92... for a pint of beer. Hah. So we went to the supermarket, bought our own alcohol and smuggled it under our coats and then sneakily poured our drinks under the table. I should be a ninja in my next life or something. So yes, I got very drunk and passed out by 11:30pm (not clever!) and Gianni had to carry me up to our hotel room. But get this, the fire alarm goes off at 3am, we go outside and meet Mr. Michael McIntyre. Now, I'm guessing you American lot won't know who he is so I'm going to provide you with a video outlining his comedic genius:

So there's me - nearly dead, stinking to high heavens and breathing deeply so I don't puke all over the place. My little brother staring (he's in love with the man) and Gianni trying to make a stupid Chuck Norris joke. You couldn't write this stuff! I just wish I ignored all my teachers telling me to leave belongings when evacuating a building! I could have got a picture.

We finally got back in the hotel (it had turned out my cousin had been smoking in his room, idiot) and it took me another hour to get back to sleep as I was trying to find the right position so the room stopped spinning. I was knocked awake at 8am by my Mum telling me we had to get breakfast with the whole family and then I was dragged around Whitby and Whitby Abbey all afternoon. I hate them all. There's no fun hunting Dracula when you're hungover to shit. No fun whatsoever. I have lots of pictures which I'm going to post at the bottom of here. I'm trying to convince myself that I worked off all the calories with dancing and walking around today... but it's in vain. I'll get back on track tomorrow... promise. (The pictures are clickable if you wanna see them bigger)

(Erm, walking up 200 steps isn't ever fun. EVER.)

You can go into the Abbey but they wanted us to pay £6 each and we weren't allowed to take pictures when we got in. Bugger that! I passed out on the grass in front of it before we drove all the way home.

All in all a great weekend. It's not often the family go out like that and I had a laugh. Hope your weekends were all good as well, whatever you did.

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