Friday, August 6, 2010

Catherine speaking:

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night/Whatever time of day it is where you currently reside. I could honestly re-write pretty much everything Jax has and be telling the truth. I wake up every morning, wanting to be better. To get out of the house and do something. I've had bin-liners in my bedroom for 2 weeks now, just waiting to be filled with clothes that I haven't worn in years. I am the worst procrastinator ever. But it really is time for a change.

I've been overweight now for a good 2 years. When I met my fiancée in the summer of 2007, I was 16, 140lbs and healthy. I put on half a stone at the beginning of that relationship, which I think is the norm. I then had the birth control implant inserted, which caused me to balloon to 170lbs. Now, I look in the mirror and I don't think I'm so big. I still think of myself as a size 10, but then I see pictures and I see the chub, I see the bigger belly and I see my lack of cheekbones. I'm not a vain person. I'm an average girl, with average views on herself. But I have to be honest and say I'm not happy within myself at the moment. When you mentally see yourself as a size 10 (US size 6/8, I don't know) but you're wearing sizes 14/16, it gets you down. I know I'm not huge by any stretch of the imagination... but I want to be healthy.

I started going to WeightWatchers a month ago after I came back from my holiday and had gained 8lbs (atrocious, I know, blame the All Inclusive). It hasn't really been going well. The first week was fine, when it was new and a novelty. I lost the holiday weight instantly, but that was to be expected, seeing as the majority of it would have been water weight from alcohol. Now in the past 3 weeks I haven't lost any more weight. I know why... I'm not strict on myself, and I don't do enough exercise, and I don't have enough support.

But this blog isn't about wallowing, and it isn't about being negative. We're here for a change. We're here for support in our endeavours. Jax is going to run a half marathon – Jesus Christ, we're going to support her and hope that she makes it. If she's having a rough day, we're going to be here to egg her on and push her motivation. This blog isn't about self-hate. We're going to leave that at the door. This blog is about setting ourselves goals and working as a team to achieve them.

I've been overweight for 2 years. Tomorrow it all changes. In 9 weeks I'll be a slimmer, healthier Catherine. Promise.


Me clocking in at 178lbs. My goal is to be down to 148lbs in 9 weeks.


  1. You are me and I am you. I'm not happy most of the time, despite my two beautiful and healthy kids. I have a decent job, I my parents and brother nearby. I just usually look at all the negative in my life. I'm sick of doing that!
    I'm tired of making lists that I never accomplish, it's getting longer every year.
    I want to work with you to accomplish our goals.
    I have 2 important things I've been wanting to accomplish:
    I'm almost 190 lbs. I am fairly tall, almost six feet, but I have big hips and a flabby tummy. I never had a flabby tummy, but two c-sections and no exercise and here I am.
    I want to get up and move! I want to dance and walk and jog. I think these with things plus not eating at night after dinner anymore I could lose weight. In nine weeks I can drop a pants size. Maybe two. Right now I'm at a tight 14. I want to be in a looser 12.
    Also - I want to write a real book. I write fan fic and I love it, but I want to be published. I want to write my book about surviving as a single mom. I know it probably will not be complete in nine weekss, but I want to have it started and rolling along. When I'm done with the book I'm going to get a tattoo. I have always wanted a tattoo. I'll get one of an open book, with a line from my first book in it.
    These are my goals and starting tomorrow I'm going to start accoplising them. I can't wait to chart my progress along with you.

  2. 2 things I wanna accomplish:

    -complete/or nearly complete my fic
    -lose weight-not sure on a specific amount, but I definitely would love to lose a dress size.

  3. Yay! Congrats to both of you. Those are great goals and I wish I could fast forward to Oct. 16th when we've reached them. But, in the meantime, I think we'll have fun getting there together.

  4. I love so many of the points you made here about working as a team and not self hating. I'm so happy to see that there is a positivity about this challenge. Are you planning on sticking with WW?

  5. Yeah, I'm sticking with WW cause for me, it's a pretty perfect way of keeping track of my intake. I don't go to meetings (I can't afford it. My Mum goes and I steal all her booklets).

    I'm not really doing it stringently. I have quite a few points and before, I'd have my main meals and be stuck on 13pts and so just waste the last 9pts on junk - crisps, chocolate, sweets etc. Now, I'm sticking to my main meals and one snack. We'll see how it goes.

  6. It's the same way for me. I can't do the whole calorie counting thing. I know one of the things they stress though is making sure you eat your number of points. They say that if you don't your body goes into starvation mode and you won't see weight loss. I used to have the same problem but then cut out all "fat-free" products and went back to full fat. Suprisingly I started losing more weight that way.
