Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time flies...

I wish I could say when you're having fun.

So I haven't been around since the 9th. Yikes! 20 days! Almost 3 weeks.

Basically life and family got in the way. Summary: mom left stepdad 2+ months ago. Just found out that the reason she finally did was that one night while they laid in be, he punched her, repeatedly, in the head. :(

To make matters worse the house that the bf and I rent belongs to stepdad's mom that passed away this past december. He tried to kick us out and then changed his mind and instead increased the rent by $300. Yeah and i forgot to mention I'm on unemployment and make barely enough to pay the rent before the increase.

So that's been my life the past few weeks. Not fun at all. I haven't done the training but I have watched my eating and such.

Classes start tomorrow so I'm hoping with the set schedule I can really set aside some "ME" time.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

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