Monday, August 9, 2010

09/08/10 (or 08/09/10 for Americans *head shake*)

OK, so it's day three. There really isn't much to report. I have been so good with my eating this weekend! But that's only two days and not much of an example of success. I woke up late yesterday and had to rush to work so I didn't take a pack-up and had to buy a sandwich from the canteen. Everyone looked at me funny when I tried to scrape all the marge off the bread (which I would have done anyway even if I wasn't dieting, because some things are just unnecessary in life - one being butter/margarine, urgh). A beef and salad sandwich... with half destroyed bread. Yum.

I don't do well with breakfast. I pore myself a bowl of cereal and only eat half before I feel sick. So, I've bought loads of cereal bars. There are these ones called Oatabix which I've bought a lot of, cause they're only 84kcal and work out at either a point or 1-1/2 WWpts. Nomnomnom.

So with there not being a lot to write on the food front, I'm going to discuss my exercise (or lack of).To the left there, is my route to work. Google maps tells me its 3.5 miles from my house, I honestly thought it was less... I always walk to work on Sundays, because I don't drive and my fiancée works from 5am-5pm. But in the spirit of this I'm also walking to work on Saturdays too. The only problem with me walking to work is that I get really sweaty and start work feeling disgusting. I did an 8 hour shift on Saturday just wishing I could get home and shower.

I don't do any other exercise really other than walking. I dance around the house like anyone else does (you all do that, right?) and bounce on the trampoline and try and kill my brothers... But that's it. I used to swim for my home town back in the day, but I'm not really a fan of the pool anymore. I always go, expecting to be able to keep up my old stamina of 100laps and get really upset when I can barely manage 10. My best friend tells me I should just get over and it go. I agree with her, and seeing as this isn't about making excuses no more, that's something we've both said we'd do at least once a week.

I'm off to see my best friend. Her name is Kirsty... Right, I'm off to go see Kirsty in a minute. We're scrapbooking at the moment... She's making a 'Happy Book' and I'm starting a scrapbook for the wedding. I've been engaged for a year now and have made no plans whatsoever. None, nadda... I want to be graduated first and living in our own house (we currently rent a room from my Mum, nice) and seeing as that's atleast 2 years away, we haven't even set a firm-ish date. I'm going to have the longest engagement known to man. But for now I'm content to be cutting out wedding dresses I like and chopping off the models heads (cause I don't want anyone else face in my wedding book!). Kirsty is quite alarmed by my behaviour because every single time (EVERY.SINGLE.TIME) I chop off one of those beautiful faces I say (in a super creepy voice) "I'LL CHOP OFF YOUR HEAD!" She finds it disturbing, I just laugh. She says every serial killer had to start from somewhere, I laugh even harder and tell her she'd be my first victim.

Now, the only problem with Kirsty is that when it comes to food she's an ENABLER. (I hope she doesn't read this, she'll kill me!) The she-devil tempts me with chocolate and muffins and CHEESE and FULL FAT coke. Before I would have given into temptation (man, it's like I'm on biggest loser) but today I'm going armed and ready. I have a little pack-up! Hahaha. She's going to laugh when I knock on her door with my pack up box but sod her. Evil minx. The thing is, she's a brilliant cook, and after she's stopped trying to force feed me chocolate she'll cook me healthy things. I love her, she's amazeballs.

So I'm feeling really good about this. I'm feeling really motivated and stuff and the weather is remarkably nice outside for once.

On a final note. I'm going to see my Dad this week and that's where the struggle begins. I always feel stressed and shit when I'm at my Dad's (typical Step-Mum/Step-Brother issues) and I usually take up eating. And also, regardless of the fact I'm going to my Dad's I'm still a guest in her (I'm not bitter, no) house so I feel rude if I don't eat what she serves me for tea. I'm honestly a nice person and I don't want to just go and feed myself all week. I sleep at my Grandma and Granddad's when I go down because they're amazing and epic (same thing, I know) and my Granddad always gets a little too drunk and tells me stories of his time as a spy, which he really shouldn't y'know, because of the Official Secrets Act and all that. Haha. I know WAY more than I should. While I'm down at my Dad's I might go to this high-rope thing called GoApe ( I'm not a huge fan of heights, so we'll see. But that was one of the things I wanted to do during these 9 weeks... Eeee.

Anyway... I'm feeling really good at the moment and we'll see how things go at my Dad's house. I'll keep you posted. I'll be there till Friday.


  1. I think the whole English speaking world should get together and officially decide how to write the date, how to spell colour/color, and whether or not it's "I'll give you a call," or "I'll give you a ring." Along with a handful of other things. :)

    I like the sound of your friend Kirsty. I also like the sound of your scrapbook of beheaded brides.

    Good luck at your Dad's! I'm a stress-eater too. Hopefully having this place to vent will help release some of the tension you feel. You're doing great so far! Yay Catherine!

  2. Well, seeing as it's the ENGLISH speaking world, and I am English, my way should be gospel, yeah? Words should end in 'our' and dates should be DAY, MONTH, YEAR (obv). And 'elevators' should always be called LIFTS. 'Trash' should be 'RUBBISH'.

    'Fanny' is a vagina, not a backside.
    'Pants' are underwear, not trousers.

    Hahaha. I could go on for days! :P

  3. I have to support Catherine with this one. Well except for the date thing. That has always confused me. I'm not going to lie, I looked at the title and had a total "huh?" moment.

    I love the whole bridal head conversation. Motivation is key, remember that we are here to help if you struggle. Good Luck at Dad's.
