Friday, August 20, 2010

Eggs & Shoes

Hi there.

I've been too grumpy to blog lately. I don't know what my problem was, but I got over it. I decided that I have to do this because nobody can do it for me. And deep down I know that I want to. It's just hard to believe when my calves are on fire and I can't breathe.

The sprinklers at the park malfunctioned last night and went for hours and hours. The track was really wet and as a result, my shoes were slippery. I've had these shoes for eight years. They are my favorites, but apparently they have no tread left. It didn't help that it was windy this morning. My giant stroller was acting like a sail that was pushing me half-a-step backwards every step. I felt like a moron so I wimped out after 3/4 of a mile and I walked the remaining mile. It's okay. The schedule said walk OR run today.

Tomorrow I have to run three miles. I'm scared.

Also, I have learned that no one can run on Pop Tarts. This has been very disappointing for me. I love my Pop Tarts for breakfast. It's my reason to get up in the morning. I've started having eggs instead. I hate eggs.

Here are my running supplies.

Shoes, mp3 player, water bottle [not pictured: beast of a stroller, courage, determination, will-power]

1 comment:

  1. COURAGE, DETERMINATION and WILL POWER. Man, hats off to you! I hope you're bouncing back. And I hope all those muscles cut you some slack and stop hurting soon. And I hope you do okay doing your 3 miles today. Break it up into jogs/walks.

    AND Mother Nature better cut it out. Wind ain't nice. Go away wind.

    In all seriousness - I hope you feel okay :)
