Saturday, August 21, 2010

Look. I just smoke, okay?

I'm terrible with consistency and blogging. But fear not, I am capable of doing some things consistently. Smoking being one of them. And hey, don't worry about my ability to quit things, because I did quit taking Chantix.

That's right. I didn't quit smoking, I quit Chantix. It was making me nauseous and look, quite frankly, those pills are my enemy. They want me to stop. It's like when you're in the fourth grade and you have a best friend, but then a new girl moves to town and in your class and she wants to be best friends, too. BUT YOU CANNOT HAVE TWO BEST FRIENDS THAT WORK AGAINST EACH OTHER. So, I pretty much chose the friend who has been there for me longer.

I consider it a frenemy though. In other words, I still need to quit.

And it's not going well at all.

Enjoy the depressing visual so as you all know just how sad and pathetic my life is right now.


  1. You're not sad and pathetic.

    Are you a 20 a day smoker? I think maybe, rather than stopping cold turkey, if you just cut back. First to like, 10 a day for a week, then 5, and so on... And then if you do mess up, you won't feel so bad.

    Just an idea *shrug*

    Chantix ain't for everyone.

  2. I'm smiling over your first paragraph. The content was sad, yes, but the delivery was awesome.

    You knew it wasn't going to be easy, right? It's going to be really freaking hard, and you might have to go through a lot of crap before you find the method that works for you. But you'll get there. I know you will. Marlboro is a malipulator. They'll be good to you as long as they know they're in charge. Once you don't need them anymore you realize how much they really hurt you, and that's not what real friends do. Even in the fourth grade.
