Sunday, August 15, 2010

I've been bad.

First off, I really didn't realize people had commented my blog so I'm sorry for not responding! I figured that I would receive an email of some sort but I suppose not!

Secondly, I've been really bad about this whole thing. Have I written since my first post? Nope. Have I really watched my eating habits? Nope. Yesterday, my family took me to Longhorns. Yes, Longhorns. Did I order a salad? Nope, I ordered sirloin. I've done a little bit of exercising. On Friday, I went on a ghost tour and walked around for two hours learning about the "haunted" history of St. Simons Island, Georgia. So that was something at least.

And finally, I haven't been adding any posts to help this process along. So my question to you guys: what are you doing to get inspired? I need some help with getting my head in this program we've started!

Thanks for your time,

1 comment:

  1. I use this as the biggest inspiration. I know that on the 16th October I'm going to be weighing myself and I want to have done well. Not so I can boast on here (although, that is part of it) but mostly so I can be proud of the effort I've put in.

    I like using this blog as a reminder of why I'm doing what I'm doing. Even if I'm only usually outlining my day or weekend or whatever - knowing that I have people to report to usually keeps me on the straight and narrow!
