Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I hate you all.

Not you guys. You guys are awesome. I'm on about those blood relatives I call my younger brothers. Now, they are evil. I'm looking after them until my Mum gets in from work (and then it's off to the land of hell I go)... and it's just easier if I show you:

So I just stared and gave them the evil eye and plotted their demise. How cruel is that really? Leaving them pizza for tea? Thanks Mum, you're great. From left to right they're George, 13; Thomas, 10 and Alfie, 6. (Do you like my cow salt and pepper pots? I got them from Spain and I put them in compromising positions sometimes. Haha) Oh, and I love that my brothers are all matching. I'm sure that was accidental. Actually, I know it isn't. My Mum loves buying them all matching clothes. Poor kids.

Today has been... difficult. There's leftover pizza in the kitchen and I'm keeping myself occupied so I don't go eat it. I'm staaaaaarrrrrrvinnnnnnnngggg but waiting for my fella to get home before I eat. There's also the fact that there's hardly any food in the house. My whole family (bar myself and Gianni) are going on holiday next week so my Mum is winding down the food supplies. I guess I'm starving for two weeks then? I think she's forgot I'll still be here. All by myself. OH boo-hoo! Haha.

I also need to go pack for my Dad's. I'm going in half an hour. Haha, can you tell how excited I am?

This is just a quick update to let you know I'm contemplating homicide and when my Mum gets home I'm going to maim her. Bye.


  1. That's SO UNFAIR! I'm resisting to urge to crawl through the screen to have some of that pizza. You know your in trouble when you have to resist the urge to do something that you know is not possible. But it looks delicious and I can see that those adorable boys have no qualms about eating it in front of you. I commend you for your will-power.

    And I do like your cows.

    And what are they dipping their pizza in? I've never dipped pizza before. (Sorry, I'm a bit hung-up on the pizza...)

    Don't die or hurt your Mum. It's going to be okay. ;)

  2. Tomato Sauce (ketchup)!!! Man, oh man, my brother's have it with EVERYTHING. I think dipping pizza is disgusting personally... but they have it with their Sunday Dinner too. They repulse me, they really do.

    Nobodies hurt. My Mum was being a bitch when she came home, so I didn't want to piss her off even more. I love my brothers (even if it's just a little) and they don't deserve my Mum's menopausal hormones.

    I am so glad she's technotarded and will never read this. Hah.
