Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm so excited

You're all going to realise how young I really am right now.

Okay. So I think I told you in another post that the rest of my family were dickin' off on holiday and leaving me on my todd. So I'm home alone for 2 weeks. That's fine, honestly... Well, fine until Gianni goes to work. He works nights. I don't sleep very well in an empty house. Last night it took me 3 hours to get to sleep. Man, I'm so paranoid it isn't even funny. Friday night I had MTVhits on full blast all night, just so there was some noise in the house. I will not look out my kitchen window when it's dark because I'm fully convinced that something is going to jump out at me. My friends tell me I have an irrational fear of 'the man in the garden'. It's not irrational. We've had quite a lot of stuff stolen from our backgarden - so evidently, someone had to have been in there at some point. Durr! My fear of the man in the garden is completely justified. I could never live alone. Ever. Tonight will be better because Kirsty is coming to sleep over. Well, better in the fact that if I'm murdered someone else will be going with me. Not so good in the fact that I always get into trouble when Kirsty is around...

So with me being alone, I'm actually having to cook for myself. Now, I'm not the greatest cook but I like to think what I cook is edible. I had chicken fajitas yesterday and a chilli the night before. Made it all by myself. *smug smile* But I've never ever made a sunday roast. Now, this is why I'm so excited. This is also why I'm so lame. I went and bought the tiniest piece of beef yesterday, its literally the size of my fist. I'm going to cook it, and yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes - and damn it, it's going to taste amazing. Unless, well, y'know, it doesn't. I know I'm retarded. I get that... but I'm literally shaking with excitement here.

The gym went better than expected on Thursday. I did 1 mile on the treadmill (evil, evil machine) and then 5 miles on the bikes. The bikes are now my favourite thing because they're so easy, and you go so far, without really putting in too much effort so I feel better about myself. Haha. The only problem is, all the hard work was destroyed Thursday night when Kirsty tempted me with her special brownies. *cough* I woke up Friday morning, my shins were on fire and my head was pounding. I accused her of beating me up before I remembered I'd actually done some exercise the day before. They're still hurting a little now, but we're going again tomorrow.

I try to stay positive even when I'm struggling. The old Catherine would have gone to the gym once, felt the pain and never went back. And while it does hurt, I just think - God knows how much pain Marissa is in then. I'm indoors, in a controlled environment. She's out there in gale-force winds and a double-pram. Shit, I commend you sweetie! And when I'm naughty with my food and have that chocolate bar, that I know I really shouldn't have, I just think "Well, I'll be better tomorrow." Positive thinking!

On a lighter note - I haven't weighed myself but I just feel tighter y'know? Like my belly doesn't roll over my jeans as much as it used to do. And my jeans feel baggy on my thighs. And my work shirt was really loose last night.


  1. Yay for loose pants!

    I'm alone at night too and it does suck. Big time. Okay, well I'm not completely alone. The small people are here.

    I can't wait for you to taste your roast. I wish I could have some.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. The roast was pretty damn good if I do say so myself. Gianni told me it was a 7. I'm happy with a 7. We just need to get it upto a 10. ;)

    I ate too much broccoli though, and now I'm bloated. Not that you need to know that.
