Monday, August 9, 2010

One day at a time

So yesterday was my day one. Spent the majority of it at my grandparents (Papa/Mama) with my mom. Since they live in the in-law at my aunt's house that also meant I got to see her and my cousin Sabrina.

Sabrina and I talked for over 2 hours on the topic of relationships and such. I really admire her. She's 6 years younger, 24, and just finished up her Masters while working full-time as a special-ed teacher. She did it all in the correct order. Me, I'm doing it backwards.

I don't regret the choices I've made in life. But I do know that many were the wrong choices. I take this knowledge and can learn from my mistakes. I don't feel 29. People that meet me tend to think I'm in my early 20's not almost 30 when the topic of age gets brought up. It's not that I'm immature. It's that I can relate to where they are in life because that's where I am. I'm in college. At the beginning steps of achieving my career goals. I'm also letting myself relax around others. I used to be very very shy. Not one to talk first. I'm getting over that.

Anyway, back to yesterday. On the way to the g'parents house my mom and I stopped to get food to bring. I convinced her to do fruit and cheese instead of chips and dip. I drank water instead of wine. I did my best to conserve as many points (weight watchers, ww, way of monitoring intake) for dinner.

Dinner went well. More than half of it is sitting in the fridge. I ended the meal full. Not stuffed.

All in all, yesterday was a good day.

"One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering" ~ Ida Scott Taylor


  1. Congrats on your will-power! Leaving food un-eaten is a difficult task, I know. It's awesome that you're also using this experience as a way to influence the people around you.

  2. Congratulations on a great day! I'm in awe of anyone who can resist chips and're already way ahead of me in this game. And the fact that you're back in school...I can't say enough about that. People who take the initiative to better themselves like this leave me feeling awestruck. I couldn't imagine. Congratulations and good luck with ALL of it.

  3. M: I must confess though, it was spaghetti and I love it so much more when cold. So I did have an ulterior motive.

    J: Thanks for your kind words. Going back to school was rough at first. I felt too old for the day shift and too young for the night shift. But luckily I got over that quick. I had to realize that I'm not really there to make friends but to "do me" as I like to say.

  4. I know how hard it is to eat in social settings! Man, oh man, that's my downfall. But you did well! Congrats.

    And I'm 19 and a 2nd year Uni Student (the norm) and one of my favourite study partners is a 56 year old taxi driver. I think (and I pressume it's the same in the US) the best students are always the 'mature' ones.

    (On that note, my Granddad is 69 and doing an Open University course. Never too old to learn!)
