Monday, September 6, 2010


There's nothing interesting to blog about running in circles, which is what I've been doing. So I haven't blogged. And nothing extremely entertaining or horrible or even remotely interesting has happened to me lately. Until now.


and now I can't run. I can barely walk without looking like an old lady.  So dip me in failsauce and throw me off a cliff.


My sisters and I haven't been running together. It just hasn't worked with all of our different schedules. They're the ones who are good about stretching. I roll my eyes and say, "Stretching is for pansies." Well guess what? Stretching is smart. Stretching is brilliant. Stretching is for people who are serious about running. Stretching is for people who know how to take care of their muscles.

My muscles have taken their revenge.

So what am I supposed to do now? This ruins everything! Even with the extra week I gave myself, I don't think it can be done.

To remedy the situation I did what I've always done when I have a problem: I turned to the internet, knowing that it would be full of hope and answers.

According to medical professionals and personal trainers (who blog) it's basically physically impossible for someone with my physical attributes (aka someone who's REALLY out of shape) to train for a half-marathon in eight weeks.


So, Fitness Magazine is a liar. Apparently it takes a minimum of three months to get in shape enough to safely run 13 miles in one go.

This is a really bad time for a reality check.

I'm really really angry.

I'm going to take a few days to make a new goal. Then I'm going to succeed the heck out of it. I'll see you then.

1 comment:

  1. What are you thinking for your new goal?

    I think it's okay to be angry. But just look on the positive side: You may not be able to achieve what you set out to - but you gave it a good shot. You're actually jogging, which was something you wasn't doing before. You were doing something that before you'd just scoff at. I know you wanna feel angry, but just think of everything you have achieved.

    I know, you wanna punch me in the face right about now.
