Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Busy times

Shit, it's been a bit hectic yeah?

I went to London sight-seeing, it was fun, we laughed, we got followed by some creepy foreign guy and I sprained my ankle. Lovely.

Yesterday Gianni decided to tell me that he'd transferred his degree credits to my university and would be joining me. Which is all well and good - and reduces our travelling costs. But, really, if he'd told me what he was doing earlier we could have found somewhere to rent closer to Uni and we could've moved already. Well, never mind - we're just looking now instead.

I've found this ground-floor flat I like the look of:

So we're gonna go have a look around on Monday and hopefully (if it's alright inside) we can start moving our stuff soon. Term officially starts on Monday, lectures don't start until the 4th October - so we'd be cutting it a little fine.

I'd also need to look into getting a transfer at work. Or finding another job.


In other news - we're crawling towards our deadlines! By the sounds of it, none of us are really having much success with the goals that we've set out for ourselves. Just wanted to say this really, because I figure this blog has fallen through - We might not all of achieved what we set out to do. I definitely haven't lost a lot of weight. I know Marissa hasn't been able to complete her training. And I know Jessica is still smoking. But, y'know - without sounding cheesy, we all at least made the effort. We did something we wouldn't have done otherwise. And stresses aside, I'm really happy at the moment. I haven't weighed myself, but I'm fitting nicely into a size 14 on bottom, size 12 on top... Which, really, is the same size I was wearing before -but I'm happy within myself. 2 months a go, I had a goal to get back down to a size 10 and 140lbs. I don't know how much I weigh at the moment, but I do know I'm content with the way I look.

So yay for that.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Just over a month to go

I don't think I'm anywhere near my target weight - as promised, I haven't weighed myself since I started this. I'm not really that bothered if I hit my weight to be honest. I'm just feeling better in myself and healthier anyway.

The gym is working out at about once or twice a week. It's not as much as I wanted to go but finding the time is hard.

I received a really snotty letter from University yesterday so I have to go have a meeting with the departmental heads. My attendance last year was shoddy. Barely reaching 50% in most modules. However, my lecturers knew I travelled and had basically told me that as long as I kept upto date with my essays and went to seminars they didn't really mind if I missed lectures and got the notes online. Fair enough right? Well... I thought so too. But the letter was basically telling me that I need to go in and discuss my future at the University and discuss steps to prevent a repeat of the previous year "where I was unable to function like a student". I'm going to go in and say "I got an average which would provide me with a 2:1 without even attending any lectures. If you also look at my records you will find that all my essays were in early or on time. I may not have been attending but I was definitely functioning as a student." Fucking boo-yah. They can't kick me out because I've never had a warning before and I passed the year with flying colours, but I just don't have the time or patience for fucking bureaucrats breathing down my neck worrying about their percentages and statistics.. And either way, it's a'ight - 'cause I'm going to be on campus every day this semester anyway. *bashes head and tries to refrain from stress eating*

In other news- I'm going to London on Monday and won't be back until Friday. I was born and raised in the UK and I've NEVER been sightseeing in London. So I'm going with Kirsty and we're gonna have a great time. (And it's only costing us £1 each to get there - I love the megabus!)

Monday, September 6, 2010


There's nothing interesting to blog about running in circles, which is what I've been doing. So I haven't blogged. And nothing extremely entertaining or horrible or even remotely interesting has happened to me lately. Until now.


and now I can't run. I can barely walk without looking like an old lady.  So dip me in failsauce and throw me off a cliff.


My sisters and I haven't been running together. It just hasn't worked with all of our different schedules. They're the ones who are good about stretching. I roll my eyes and say, "Stretching is for pansies." Well guess what? Stretching is smart. Stretching is brilliant. Stretching is for people who are serious about running. Stretching is for people who know how to take care of their muscles.

My muscles have taken their revenge.

So what am I supposed to do now? This ruins everything! Even with the extra week I gave myself, I don't think it can be done.

To remedy the situation I did what I've always done when I have a problem: I turned to the internet, knowing that it would be full of hope and answers.

According to medical professionals and personal trainers (who blog) it's basically physically impossible for someone with my physical attributes (aka someone who's REALLY out of shape) to train for a half-marathon in eight weeks.


So, Fitness Magazine is a liar. Apparently it takes a minimum of three months to get in shape enough to safely run 13 miles in one go.

This is a really bad time for a reality check.

I'm really really angry.

I'm going to take a few days to make a new goal. Then I'm going to succeed the heck out of it. I'll see you then.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Size 10 Wedding Dress

Just a quick update.

So - I'm all back on track and everything now. I'm still not counting my weightwatchers points, but I'm definitely not over-eating by any stretch of the imagination. 3 good meals a day, and one snack in the evening. I've also been trying to go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week - but I'm struggling with that one. University starts back up in 3 weeks, so my pre-reading has started. I've also (and this may seem strange) started research for my essays. I have so much going on next semester - extra modules, volunteering, work, etc. I'm just trying to get a head start. So I've been a busy bee. Wedding planning all day Monday, on campus harrassing the librarian yesterday and this evening I have to be at Dream Scheme. The way dream scheme works is that the 'troubled youth' of Scunthorpe, do projects/help the local area, and earn points. The more points they earn, the more things they can do. So like, last month - everyone that had over 100 points got to go to a theme park for the day. It's a way of getting all the teens off the street corners and doing something. And I'm pretty much their glorified babysitter. But it's fun - and though some of them are quite intimidating, I tend to have a laugh. (And I get to go on trips for FREE, disguised as a youth worker - mwahaha)

So yes. I've got a busy schedule at the moment. It also doesn't help that the family is pushing for Gianni and I to set a date for the wedding. I'm like "Jeez, Louise - what's the rush?" -- So, even though I've told my Mum there ain't no way in hell I'm walking up the aisle until I've graduated - She's been dragging me around venues and dress shops. Monday I went to 15 venues. FIFTEEN. I didn't even know we had that many places in this small town. I mean, what?? And how am I supposed to know whether I want round tables? Or a horse-shoe set-up? The only redeeming factor about Monday, is that I tried a size 10 (American 6/8??) wedding dress on and it fit. That put a smile on my face ;)

Things to see - People to do. I hope you're all okay.