Monday, August 9, 2010

Kicking It, Fool.

Peek A Boo!

This is my introductory post. I'm Jessica and I need to quit smoking.

Please note how I didn't say I want to quit smoking. Because I don't. I'm smoking right flipping now. I love the cigarettes. They're my best friend. They're the best love affair ever. Me and Marlboro are soul mates. We're obviously meant to be. We laugh together, we cry together, we chill out together, we drive together, Marlboro is the first thing I say good morning to and the last thing i say good night to. It's a near perfect relationship.

Except Marlboro is trying to kill me.

I'm almost willing to overlook this.

But I just can't. It's a co-dependent relationship and if I'm honest, it's an abusive one. I take advantage of Marlboro, and Marlboro is going to slowly kill me for it.

So we need to break up.

I'm terrified of quitting. I'm terrified of not quitting.

I'm going to write in this blog and together, I guess we'll find out which terrifies me more.

The plan: Quit by next Monday and try not to kill anyone (myself included). This is as far as the plan goes for now.

Any tips or advice are greatly appreciated.

My dad, who was the ultimate rockstar smoker, told me to take a lot of showers and eat oranges. wth, dad?

My grandpa, who smoked for years and now has emphysema and a terrible time breathing told me to screw it. He had a great time smoking and it was worth it. Thumbs up to Grandpa, who gets me.

My mom's example slapped much more sense into me. She was a nonsmoker who died of lung cancer at a young age.

Now I'm sure you can see where the terrified of not quitting part comes in to play.

Any who. Nine weeks. I can do this in nine weeks. For sure. Unless, you know, I can't.


  1. Did you hear that? That was the sound of me taking failing off the table and throwing it in the garbage. You aren't going to fail. You just aren't.

  2. My (step) Dad has just been diagnosed with Lung Disease. That's enough to stop me from ever smoking.

    My Fiancée smoked for 10 years and quit 2 years ago. He didn't want to either really, but like you, he didn't like what the cigarettes were doing to him, (he's 23 and his teeth are buggered - he'll be having falsies soon) but he quit anyway. He used these tablets... God, I can't remember the name of them. But my (real) Dad used them aswell, and quit after smoking for 30+ years... You basically take these pills and keep smoking and after a week or so, literally just the smell of cigarettes makes you want to puke.

    CHAMPIX. That's what they're called. I don't know how the health service works where you are but you could ask your doctor about them?

  3. You CAN do this. Have faith in yourself. We do.
