Saturday, August 7, 2010

Marissa, Day One

Okay, it’s the morning of day one and I’m feeling… nervous.

I’m a spontaneous person. I mean I’m really, really spontaneous. One time I went to work with long blond hair and was perfectly happy with it. I had no thought to change it. On my lunch break I got it all hacked off like Meg Ryan in You’ve Got Mail and I dyed it dark brown. I never know what I’m going to do. I sort of like that about myself, but not always. That’s why this is going to be good for me. Sure it was born out of spontaneity, but it’s not something I can do on a lunch break. It’s going to take a commitment and determination and will-power… basically everything I usually avoid in a task.

So, a little about me: My name is Marissa and in two weeks I’ll be twenty-four. I’ve been married for almost seven years. Haha, I know, but don’t look so shocked. Yes, I got married at seventeen. No, it wasn’t a mistake.

I’m not going to take you through my whole love story because that would be boring, and long. Just know that even though I was really young, it was the right choice for me. I think society doesn’t always give young people enough credit for making big decisions and knowing what they want. And I think that sometimes spontaneity pays off.

I have a son who is two named Jack.

And a daughter who is six months old named Quinn.

This is my family.

I live in the Pacific Northwest portion of the US. As far as friends go I’ve had the same ones pretty much my whole life. Two of them I consider my best friends. I love them both so much, but I couldn’t convince either of them to do this with me. They both gave me are-you-kidding-me faces. I think it’s because they’re used to this. I’m always full of new plans that I never follow through with. Little do they know that this is the part where I change that.

I love popcorn. I love how salty and crunchy and perfect it is. I love M&Ms and root beer. I’m a big Jane Austen fan. I like cheesy romantic comedies and not-scary science fiction. I love painting in oils when I have time. If it wasn’t the marathon, finishing a painting would have been my goal. Maybe next time… Time management is not a skill of mine, but crocheting is. I’m desperately jealous of Catherine’s accent and Taylor Swift’s hair. I’m not necessarily immature for my age, but I am for my life. I don’t like driving beside semi-trucks or chairs that rock without people in them.

I’m pretty sure I offend people all the time. I’m an open book. I do have a filter, but when it comes to the important things I say what’s on my mind. I think it’s because I don’t mind it when people do that to me. I guess some people like to keep their opinions to themselves and think I should do the same. This is me shrugging.

I’m taking a camera with me on my run today so that you can see what’s happening. I’ll try to post those on Monday.

I’m nervous, but so excited. Go us!!!


  1. Your children are so cute. I might fly over, just to steal them.

    (And my accent gets annoying after a while. My relatives, in other parts of the country, always laugh at it)

    I really hope you prove your friends wrong and stick to this :)

    Who else is supposed to be writing in here too?

  2. jandco, Raquel, wonkeygirl, and PerfectMeadow. (I know they have real names, I just don't know all of them yet.)

    Oh and ssarrahh1 has started a draft, but hasn't posted yet.

    I'm sure it's hard to start something like this on a weekend. People have lives I guess... people who aren't like me...

  3. Or me. Haha.

    No, I wasn't complaining, just curious... I didn't know who was joining us.

  4. Your children are so CUTE! They look like very happy kids. I'm happy you have a love story. Don't listen to societal opinions. I learned too late in life that the only thing important is what I feel is right, not what others try to impose on me. As for following thru with this (i have people that doubt me at every turn) we can do this. All of us can.

    And sorry i just now signed on. I was on the road and just got to a computer.
